Identity and ownership of the website
“Crafteando, que es gerundio” is a brand owned by me, Jennifer Martínez-Orozco, located in c/Muntaner, 08022 Barcelona-Spain, and contact e-mail info [ad] Also, I’m author and owner of this site:
Intellectual property
All the publications -articles, pages. etc. – and contents of this website -texts, videos, patterns, tutorials, podcasts, images, graphs, charts, infographics, etc – are under copyright and intellectual property, whose titularity is mine. These rights will not be shared or given away without my previous consent, that has to be in writting and explicitly.
It is not allowed to reproduce, share, sell distribute or use with commercial or non commercial purposes the contents of this website.
Also, I’m the owner of all the intellectual property of this website design, texts, images, logos and font code.
Any content on this website that belows to a third party will be indicated.
Conditions of use
On this website you will find tutorials, patterns and corses to make amigurumi and other crochet items.
Every person that visits this website -users, readers or clients- must abide the theme of this site, using properly the services and contents, especially you must not:
- Use them to commit illegal or faudulent activities, contraries to good faith and oublic order.
- Spread racist, xenophobic, sexist, pornographic content, exaltation of terrorism or against human rights.
I reserve the rights to delete any comment or content that goes against the rules of this site. I will never be responsible of the users’ oppinions.
It is not permitted either to make promotional or insulting comments, or any comment that goes against the good tone of the site.
Data protection
This website follows the Spanish and European legislation on data protection. For more information about how your data will be processed, please go here: Privacy policy.
Responsability exclusion
In any case I will be responsible for damages of any kind that may result from visiting this website, whether they are caused for mistakes or omision in the contents, for the users’ behavious, for the desitions they may make after reading recommendations or for the transmition of malware for not having taken the tecnological precautions to avoid it.
When it comes to links to third party websites that may be included, they will serve as an example. In any case I have control over those websites and, therefore, I have no responsability over them.
Cookies policy
This website uses third party cookieswith analytical purposes. More information here: cookies policy.
Legislation and jurisdiction
These legal conditions have been written following the Spanish law. In case of conflict of interpretation, the jurisdiction will be that of the buyer or, alternatively, the Jury of Barcelona.
Changes on the legal notice
These conditions can be changed any moemnt, following the evolution of this website and the offered contents.